How can our salesforce distinguish themselves in their relationship-building and influencing in order to win more business?
Consultative Selling
To enable participants to win more business through a better understanding of win-win engagement with prospects/clients.
Process / Topics
Principles and skills are presented in a highly participative manner. The session is a stimulating blend of listening, discussions, practice exercises with feedback, reflection and action-planning. The key topics include:
- Building trust
- Identifying the needs and views of a prospect/client
- Recognizing the interpersonal preferences of the prospect/client
- Making recommendations that the client sees as high-value solutions
- Expertly navigating the field of influencers and decision-makers
- Earning the right to influence key players to commit to the sale.
The traditional pushy sales approach will be contrasted with a proactive, win-win model where the participant learns how to truly engage the client as a trusted advisor and guide the buying process.
Payoff / Benefits
Participants adopt a more client-centered focus and increase their confidence to expand their relationships, with both existing clients and new prospects. Through Consultative Selling, sales increase and client relationships expand.